The e-courses on the Addiction Severity Index and the American Society of Addiction Medicine Criteria 3rd Edition are approved for up to 20 CEU’s by the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NADAAC).
The ASI e-Course is standardized, evidence based, easily accessible, cost effective and designed to increase learning, and support the transfer of learning back to the workplace. The design and functionality of the course enables learners to create a self-directed and self-paced learning experience that best meets their individual learning style, and needs in a way that traditional one- and two-day on-site workshops does not.
The ASI e-Course provides states, counties, community based organizations and individuals access to “Proven and Effective” ASI training on demand. The course is an effective adult learning solution that leverages the advantages of web based training, while incorporating the content and methods of a successful onsite curriculum developed to teach participants how to correctly administer the Addiction Severity Index (ASI).
The course is designed to teach participants the purpose and intention of ASI items, recommended probes, additional questions, coding conventions, and the Interviewer Severity Rating (ISR)procedures. In addition, there is a significant focus on the Clinical Significance of the information collected using the ASI, and how that information informs a diagnosis or diagnostic impression using the DSM-5, and level of care recommendations utilizing the ASASM Criteria 3rd. Edition. The clinical emphasis is what distinguishes this curriculum from others, and what has made ASI onsite workshops and the ASI e-Course developed by Dr. Coyne so popular among counselors and clinicians.
The core modules of the course focus on the administration of the seven sections of the ASI. Included in each ASI section module is content regarding the Purpose and Clinical Significance of the section, and the Purpose, Clinical Significance, Phrasing, Additional Probes, Coding, Cross Checking and Common Errors for each item in the section. In addition, there are video illustrations of each section in their entirety, and video illustrations of each item.
Included in the course are pre and post course learning measures. These learning measures are also referred to as competency measures and have long been used to evaluate content knowledge, knowledge application, coding ability and interviewing skills related to the administration of the ASI. Post course learning measures are currently administered upon completion of the course, and 30 days post course completion. Users are expected to achieve a passing score of 70 on the learning measures, otherwise they will not receive a certificate of completion and CEU’s.
ASI e-Course Goals & Objectives
The Post Course Learning or Competency Measures currently included in the ASI E-Course are designed to measure;
- Content Knowledge regarding the clinical utility of the tool
- Coding Conventions (Knowledge Application and Coding Ability)
- Interviewer Severity Ratings (Knowledge Application and Rating)
Learning / Competency Measures 1 – 3 contain questions and multiple-choice responses. The user selects a response, if it is incorrect s/he immediately receives audio performance feedback indicating that it is incorrect, and then identifies the correct response and explains why.
The ASI e-Course is more comprehensive than standard one- and two-day onsite workshops. It provides users more details, content, practice opportunities, performance feedback, and support materials than is possible during standard one and two day workshops.
The ASI e-Course is effective in achieving intended learning outcomes, which includes supporting the transfer and maintenance of newly learned knowledge and skills back in the workplace. The average pre course learning measure score is 46/100, the average post course learning measure score is 85/100, and the average follow-up learning measure score is 91/100.
Individuals and organizations can purchase 3- or 6-month long subscriptions, however, the course is expected to be completed within the first 30 days of the subscription.
As of this time, the e-courses on the ASI & ASAM Criteria 3rd Edition have been used by individuals and organizations in three countries, and 14 states within the U.S.. The types of organizations using the course include Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Providers, Substance Abuse Research Organizations, Drug Courts, Probation, Parole and Single State Behavioral Health Agencies.
Blended Learning approaches are available; 1.) utilizes the ASI e-Course in combination with Video Teleconferencing, and 2.) utilizes the ASI e-Course in combination with workshops delivered onsite. Contact us to discuss the course, the blended learning approaches, or your organizations learning needs and we’ll design a learning solution that best meets your needs.
The the e-courses on the ASI & ASAM Criteria 3rd. Edition and workshops are designed and delivered by Thomas H. Coyne, Ed.D., LCSW, a nationally recognized adult educator providing evidenced based learning solutions regarding the assessment and treatment of persons with substance use and mental health disorders. He is one of the most experienced and effective trainers in the country regarding the correct use of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI), and the American Society of Addiction Medicines Criteria.
Evidence Based – Proven Effective – Designed For Transfer