CASI Publications

Published Works Using the CASI

Crowley, T. J., MacDonald, M. J., Whitmore, E. A., & Mikulich, S. K. (1998). Cannabis dependence, withdrawal, and reinforcing effects among adolescents with conduct symptoms and substance use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 50, 27-37.

Dembo, R., Walters, W. & Meyers, K.  (2005). A practice/research collaborative:  An innovative approach to identifying and responding to psychosocial functioning problems and recidivism risk among juvenile arrestees.  Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 41 39-66.

Dembo, R., Wareham, J., Poythress, N., Cook, B., Schmeidler, J. (2004).  The correlates and consequences of drug involvement among youth entering a diversion program. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse.

Dembo, R., Wareham, J., Poythress, N., Meyers, K., Cook, B., Schmeidler, J. (2007).  Continuities in problem behavior in high-risk youth. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 16, 91-118.

Dembo, R., Wareham, J., Poythress, N., Meyers, K., Cook, B., Schmeidler, J. (2008).  Psychosocial functioning problems over time among high risk youth:  A latent class transition analysis.  Crime and Delinquency, 54, 664-670.

Meyers, K, Hagan T.A., McDermott, P., Webb, A., Randall, M., Frantz, J. (2006).  Factor structure of the Comprehensive Adolescent Severity Inventory (CASI). American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse; 32 (3), 287-310.

Meyers, K, Hagan, TA, Zanis, D, Webb, A, Frantz, J., Rutherford, M, Ring-Kurtz, S, & McLellan, AT.  (1999).  Critical issues in adolescent assessment:  Assessing the treatment needs of adolescent substance abusers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 55, 235-246.

Meyers, K., McDermott, P., & McLellan, A. T. (1998). Approaches to scoring adolescentproblem behavior: The Comprehensive Adolescent Severity Inventory (CASI) scoring manual. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

Meyers , K., McDermott, P., Webb, A. Hagan T.A.  (2006) Mapping the clinical complexities of adolescents with substance use disorders:  A typological study.  Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse; 16, 5-24.

Meyers K. & McLellan A.T.  (2005). The American Treatment System for Adolescent Substance Abuse: Formidable Challenges, Fundamental Revisions and Mechanisms for Improvements.  In M.E.P. Seligman and D. Evans (Editors)  Adolescent Health Care  OxfordUniversity Press.  New   York.

Meyers, K, McLellan, AT, Jaeger, JL, & Pettinati, HM. (1995) The development of the Comprehensive Addiction Severity Index for Adolescents (CASI-A):  An interview for assessing the multiple problems of adolescents.  Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 12, 181-193.

Meyers, K., Webb, A., Frantz, J., & Randall, M. (submitted). Development and preliminary psychometric evidence of a multidimensional measure of teen HIV/STD behaviors and beliefs:Teen Insight and Exposure to HIV/STD Risk (TIER), a new addendum to the CASI.

Meyers , K., Webb, A., Frantz, J.A., & Randall, M. (2003).  What does it take to retain substance-abusing adolescents in research protocols?  Delineation of effort required, strategies undertaken, and baseline and outcome differences by retention difficulty.  Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 69, 73-85.

Meyers, K, Webb, A., Hagan T.A., O’Brien, S., & Randall, M. (submitted).  Test-retest reliability of age-of-onset items on the CASI.  Implications for examining the role of psychopathology in the onset of substance use disorders.

Meyers, K., Webb, A., & McLellan, A. T. (1997). A user’s guide to the Comprehensive Adolescent Severity Inventory (CASI): Instruction manual. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

Meyers, K., Webb, A., Randall, M., McDermott, P., Mulvaney, F. Tucker, W., McLellan, A. T. (1999). Psychometric properties of the Comprehensive Adolescent Severity Inventory (CASI). National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monograph: Problems of Drug Dependence, Proceedings of the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence.

Riggs, P. D., Mikulich, S. K., Whitmore, E. A., & Crowley, T. J. (1999). Relationship of ADHD, depression, and non-tobacco substance use disorders to nicotine dependence in substance dependent delinquents. Drug Alc Depend, 54, 195-205.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and Center for Substances Abuse Treatment. (1993). Screening and assessment of alcohol- and other drug-abusing adolescents: Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series. (DHHS Publication No. SMA 93-2009). Rockville, MD: SAMHSA.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and Center for Substances Abuse Treatment. (1995). Combining alcohol- and other drug-abuse treatment with diversion for juveniles in the justice system: Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series. (DHHS Publication No. SMA 95-3051). Rockville, MD: SAMHSA.

Webb, A., Meyers, K., & Kendall, P.C. (2002). Do youth with child- versus adolescent-onset psychopathology differ in drug  and alcohol treatment outcomes? Poster presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, NV.

Webb, A., Meyers, K., & Kendall, P.C. (2003). The role of the age-of-onset of psychopathology in a vulnerability model of adolescent substance treatment outcome. Poster presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston.

Whitmore, E. A., Mikulich, S. K., Thompson, L. L., Riggs, P. D., Aarons, G. A., Crowley, T. J. (1997). Influences on adolescent substance dependence: Conduct disorder, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and gender. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 47, 87-97.

Young, S. E., Mikulich, S. K., Goodwin, M. B., Hardy, C. L., Zoccolillo, M. S., & Crowley, T. J. (1995). Treated delinquent boys’ substance use: Onset, pattern, relationship to conduct and mood disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 37, 149-162.