CASI e-Course

An Effective, evidence based source of CASI Training

  • Learn how to administer and clinically interpet the CASI correctly
  • Learn how the CASI informs ASAM’s six dimensions and more

Flexible and Comprehensive

  • Easily Accessible 24 – 7, 365 days a year
  • More details, content, practice opportunities, performance feedback, and support materials than standard onsite ASI workshops.

 Supports the Transfer of Learning Back to the Workplace

Improve Performance, Improve Outcomes! 

The e-course provides participants with the knowledge, skills, and support materials required to correctly administer the CASI, and utilize the information collected clinically to inform diagnosis and diagnostic impressions using the DSM-5, level of care recommendations using the ASAM Criteria, criminogenic risk assessments, screening for trauma and treatment planning.

While, understanding the relationship of the information collected using the CASI to these clinical tasks is important, it is often a missing component of standard two and three day onsite CASI training workshops. Teaching clinicians and counselors how to administer the ASI, without teaching them the clinical significance of the information collected, results in a workforce focused on filling in boxes and completing mandated paper work that has little to no value to them.

The CASI e-Course is an evidenced based and proven effective adult learning solution that leverages the advantages of web based training, while incorporating the content and methods of a proven and effective CASI curriculum developed by Dr. Meyers to train interviewers on the correct administration of the CASI.

Evidence Based – Proven Effective – Designed For Transfer