Blended Learning & American Society of Addiction Medicines (ASAM) Criteria 3rd Edition

Blended Learning & American Society of Addiction Medicines (ASAM) Criteria 3rd Edition
Blended Learning approaches e.g., Onsite Training Plus Coaching, Onsite Training Plus e-Courses, Onsite Training Plus Webinars have generally been demonstrated to be more effective than using just one of the components by itself.
The e-Course on the ASAM Criteria 3rd. Edition by itself is an effective adult learning solution that leverages the advantages of web-based training, while incorporating the content and methods of a successful onsite curriculum developed to teach participants how to make more informed and accurate level of care decisions, and to write clear, concise clinical justifications for them. The blended initiative incorporates the e-course on ASAM’s Criteria and a series of scheduled Video Conferences. The e-course and video conferencing has proven to be more effective than the course by itself.
The blended learning initiative addresses the Continuum of Care, the Criteria, Dimension Risk Ratings, the Assessment Considerations for each of ASAM’s Six Dimensions and how to write clinical justifications for Dimension Risk Ratings, and Level of Care Recommendations. However, substantially more time, modules and discussion are focused on understanding the “Assessment Considerations” for ASAM’s Six Dimensions, and identifying the corresponding clinical information collected with assessment tools such as the Addiction severity Index (ASI) that inform and influence the assessment considerations and risk ratings for the dimensions.
The e-Course on the ASAM Criteria 3rd Edition. by itself is very comprehensive and provides more content, details, and exercises than it is possible to provide during standard one- and two-day workshops. The e-Course includes pre and post course learning measures, and support materials that can be downloaded. Upon successful completion of the post course learning measure users receive written performance feedback from Dr. Coyne, and if included in the subscription, an opportunity to discuss the feedback with him during a one-on-one Video Conference.
The e-Course on the ASAM Criteria 3rd. Edition is easily accessible, cost effective, and designed to increase learning, and support the transfer of learning back to the workplace. The design and functionality of the course enables learners to create a self-directed and self-paced learning experience that best meets their individual learning style, and needs in a way that traditional one- and two-day on-site workshops does not. It also incorporates evidence-based adult learning principles, practices and interventions proven to increase learning and support the transfer of learning back to the workplace.
For years we have been utilizing blended learning approaches; 1.) e-Courses in combination with Videoconferencing, and 2.) e-Courses in combination with workshops delivered onsite. Contact us to discuss the course, the blended learning approaches, or your organizations learning needs and we’ll design a learning solution that best meets your needs.
As of this time, the e-Courses on the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) and the American Society of Addiction Medicines Criteria 3rd. Edition have been used by individuals and organizations in three countries, and 14 states within the U.S. The types of organizations using the course include Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Providers, Substance Abuse Research Organizations, Drug Courts, Probation, Parole and Single State Behavioral Health Agencies.
The e-Courses and workshops on the ASI & ASAM are designed and delivered by Thomas H. Coyne, Ed.D., LCSW-R, a nationally recognized adult educator providing evidenced based learning solutions regarding the assessment and treatment of persons with substance use and mental health disorders. He is one of the most experienced and effective trainers in the country regarding the correct use of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI), and the American Society of Addiction Medicines Criteria.
Dr. Coyne received his doctorate from Columbia University, where he examined the “Learning Transfer Systems” of community-based treatment programs. He has long been an advocate of the use of evidence based adult learning practices to implement evidence-based treatment practices, and turning treatment agencies into learning organizations. He has worked with numerous governmental entities on a county, state, national and international level. His expertise has been used on numerous grants and contracts held with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), Office of National Drug Control and Policy (ONSCP), the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation, National Drug Court Institute and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals.
Evidence Based – Proven Effective – Designed For Transfer