ASI e Course Features

Self-Directed, Non-Linear Learning

The ASI E-Course design and functionality enables learners to create a self directed and self paced learning experience that best meets their individual learning style and needs in a way that traditional onsite training workshops doesn’t.

Learning Measures 

The Pre, Post, and Follow Up ASI- E Course learning measures are designed to evaluate the users knowledge regarding the correct administration of the Addiction Severity Index (e.g., item purpose, coding conventions, guidelines, and ratings), as well as the clinical utility of the data e.g., relationship and functionality of the ASI to the DSM-IV, ASAM’s Six Dimensions, and Criminogenic Risk Assessment.   

The post course learning measures also provide the user with immediate performance feedback as the items are answered and submitted. This feature informs the user immediately why the answer they chose was correct or incorrect. Performance feedback is a critical component demonstrated to increase and retain learning, and for supporting the transfer of that learning back to the workplace. 

This type of post training evaluation and feedback is often missing from standard two and three day workshops provided onsite, as a result participants leave workshops not knowing whether they learned what they were supposed to, or in the case of the ASI, without knowing if they possess the knowledge required to administer the instrument correctly or not.

Performance Feedback 

The ASI E-learning’s course design and functionality provides learners opportunities to practice and receive performance feedback during and following training in a way that traditional onsite training workshops doesn’t. Research indicates that performance feedback and opportunities to practice during and following training enhances learning, and supports the generalization and maintenance of learning in the workplace


Knowledge and Skills Self Assessments (KSSA) 

Pre, Post, and Follow Up ASI E Course knowledge and skills self assessment are designed to help the user evaluate their knowledge and skills pre, post and approximately 30 days after completing the ASI E Course. The results of these assessments help the user set learning goals designed to help facilitate the transfer and maintenance of newly acquired knowledge and skills back to the workplace.

Learning Contracts 

While treatment plans are used to document the goals and objectives of treatment agreed upon by treatment staff and the client.  Learning contracts are used to document the goals and objectives of training, agreed upon by an employee, and their supervisor, manager, project director, mentor, or peer.

A Learning contract may include statements and/or questions regarding how and/or why the goal and objectives of the course or workshop are relevant. How achieving the goals and objectives of the training or workshop will improve individual and organizational performance.

  1. How are the goal(s) and objectives of the workshop related to the performance of the tasks associated with your job title and functions?
  2. How will achieving the goals and objectives of this workshop improve your individual performance in your current job title?
  3. How will achieving the goals and objectives of this workshop impact / influence / benefit your personal and / or professional development?
  4. How will successfully achieving the goals and objectives of this workshop improve the organization’s performance, and/or study results?

Supports the Transfer and Maintenance of Learning 

While, most standard two and three day workshops are primarily designed to facilitate learning, only a few are designed to facilitate the transfer and maintenance of learning back to the workplace. The ASI E- Course is designed to enhance participant learning, and support the transfer and maintenance of learning back to the workplace. After all the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, and attitudes have little to no influence on an organization’s performance and outcomes, if they are not transferred to, and maintained in the workplace. Evidence Based – Proven Effective – Designed For Transfer